No Rewards Behaviour Management

This term all staff at St Luke’s were engaged in an inquiry project that would result in a showcase presentation in the last week of term. I was part of a team of seven members and our focus was on ‘No Rewards Behaviour Management’. At St Luke’s we do not offer students stamps, stickers or any other rewards, for learning or for appropriate behaviour. Research shows that Intrinsic motivation has greater long term benefits and extrinsic rewards are short term with adverse effects long term. 

Extrinsic motivation is behaviour driven by external factors. Some obvious examples  in a school setting are stickers, stamps, lollies and other awards or certificates. This leads to short term compliance and addiction to the reward or praise, and like any addiction, more is required to get the same effect. Students become more focused on the reward than the learning and without it they lose the will to engage in learning. In effect, extrinsic motivation is about living life for someone else. 

Intrinsic motivation is the behaviour of a person that is driven by an internal longing to do something. The focus is on autonomy, mastery, and purpose so the end result is enjoyment and fulfilment which further propels the individual forward into action. Intrinsic motivation is about having control over one’s own life as self determination, self esteem and integrity govern behaviour.

 Building intrinsic motivation is not easy but according to Dan Pink, motivational author and speaker, providing choice and ownership along with providing appropriate tools needed to continue skill development as well as  encouraging the involvement in activities that lead to a ‘greater good’  would put us on the right path to nurturing young people to living a more satisfying and fulfilling life. Attached in our  Presentation  are some ideas to support teachers in cultivating  intrinsic motivation in their students.

Another helpful link

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